Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Winter Class Registration

Early Bird Registration for the 


Winter 2012 Session

will begin on November 1st at 6pm!

Please visit

to preview our class offerings for the next exciting season of CYT classes!

Early registration will run from November 1st to November 30th.

Regular Price  $195  ($95 Wiggles)

Early Bird Price  $185 ($85 Wiggles)

Come join us for another season of fun!

Learn a new skill. Develop your talents. Meet new friends.

Showcase Notes from Your Teachers

Wiggles - Courtney Peck

Coming soon!

Our Gang - Jenna Wille

Boys wear black pants, button up shirt (any color), black shoes. Hats will be provided.

Girls- wear a dress with white tights, black shoes. Hair should be worn half up/ half down (secured at the back of the head with a barrette or hair band).  Bows will be provided.

Beginning Voice - Nancy Casey

I’d Do Anything/My Favorite Things/So Long, Farewell

Students wear black pants or skirt, solid bright top.

Invite family to come hear you sing! Meet me at the theater at 4 for our final rehearsal on stage!! See you there!!

Character Study - Joyce Thatcher/ Giovanna Cabrera

The “Three Parts of Expression” (Body, Facial & Voice)

All students will need to wear LONG black pants or black skirt & black leggings with black shoes & socks and a long sleeved black blouse or top. They will be wearing white gloves (provided) and a white drama mask (provided). No skin showing.

Comments: These kids have been working hard and I know they are going to be great!

Beginning Tap - Brooke Morris/ Nicolette Burton

Students will be need to be wearing:

1. black leggings

2. colorful tutu- bright colors

3. 2 colorful tank tops- 2 different colors

Advanced Musical Theater - Nicole Lindsay

All performers who are not characters (chorus and narrators) need to wear black dance pants, black dance shoes and a bright solid colored t-shirt (no patterns or logos).

Comments: Get your Disney faces ready!!

Lights & Sound - Chas Shay

Students will be wearing all black.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Showcase- Choreography for Finale

Dear Parents and Students,

All classes (except Wiggles & Our Gang) will be performing in the Showcase Finale. The following video is to help our students learn and practice the choreography at home. 


Tuesday, November 8 will be our last day of CYT classes for this session.  On this day, there will be a Showcase to demonstrate what the students have learned. 

Classes will meet for a dress rehearsal
at 4pm at the 
American Spirit Theater
 1868 East Valley Parkway, Escondido, CA 92027 
 Wiggles class (rehearsal) will begin at 5pm. 

Pizza slices & water will be provided to the students for $1 each in between the class and show. 

  Parents, family, and friends are all invited, so please plan on joining us.  Seating will begin at 5:45 p.m.

Register for Winter 2012 classes at Showcase for a Special rate!